

It’s one of those days that has people mumbling about June-uary. A high wind, grey-black clouds that threaten rain, but it’s too hot for hoodies and jeans. At least for me. This is the kind of day I love. It’s ideal for a beach walk and I think I will do that after work. Yet another advantage to working from home: I can skip the home commute that often makes going out again seem more chore than good idea.

One of my absolute favourite things is walking along the beach when the wind is up. The sound of the waves can roll into my bones. I like to sit on the rocks and just listen for a while. Once or twice I’ve been lucky enough to see J-pod from the point, but I don’t think I’ll see them today.

Listening to: Blue Side – J-Hope
Reading: IQ84 – Haruki Murakami
Watching: Alchemy of Souls (only one more episode! eek!)
Drinking: iced tea
Word Count: 5230
Headspace: floating with the gulls