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Mom came to visit yesterday, which was awesome because I haven’t actually seen her in a month or so. She brought me some more Greece pictures, among which is a pic of the two of us with our tour director for the islands. Miss S was such a riot to have as our “pseudo-mommy” on that part of our trip and that one photo made it all flood back. I love how visual prompts can do that.

I forgot that I was going to lend her my copy of “The Power of Myth” of Joseph Campbell fame. (why oh why can I not remember the name of the man who wrote a rebuttal to this book? I have yet to read it – and desire to.) So we left for being “out on the town” as mom calls it.

Took her to the Tabi store where she quickly found two outfits for herself. She’s always so surprised that she can just walk in and buy clothes that fit and I think it’s so cute.

Then we went to Moxie’s for lunch. Yum. (And yes, the eye candy there is still just as good as the food Lindsie.) After we toodled around downtown where we happened on a real bargain for scrapbooks and mom bought me two. *drool* Now I can start playing with my photos and make up my albums. By then it was pretty late and she hopped on the bus for home.

We did see Darth Vader playing a fiddle downtown before she left though. Seriously, I never knew Vader had any musical talent.

Work today. because it’s the weekend we were all relegated to the downstairs room, which sucks because the bathroom there always smells like someone deliberately missed the toilet. Always. Not to mention that the rotation down there is pretty high, so that no one really has thier own desk – which means the keyboards are filthy. I learned my lesson today – don’t attempt to clean it or you’ll just gross yourself out. *shudder*

on my winamp: Downtown Venus – PM Dawn