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*phone rings*
*phone rings*

S: hello?
J: can you do me a favour?
S: like what?
J: can you look up the numbers for low-income housing?
S: ooook?
J: Yeah, we need a two-bedroom
S: we do…?
J: Yeah. Seems the kiddo’s mom’s fiance wants to pay her to leave
S: He wants to pay your daughter – your fourteen year old daughter, to leave.
J: yeah.
S: he wants to pay her to leave.
J: yes, that’s why she called last night.

*thinks: you couldn’t have told me this last night?*

S: he wants to PAY her
J: yeah. plane ticket and everything
S: and mom’s ok with this?
J: that’s why I want to talk to her. I want all the legal shit taken care of.
S: what a fucking prick!
J: yeah. so. Can you do that for me?

*pause, takes a deep breath*

S: sure
J: gives you something to do
S: like I had nothing to do?
J: oh no, keep writing, this can wait. I can do it tomorrow if necessary but – you know. I’m stressing out about this.
S: No shit. I can see that.
J: I just want to see if the government can help out with this. I know there is some shitty housing out there and I want to get into some of the nicer ones
S: so you’re telling me the prick wants to pay a KID to leave and we have to look for subsidized housing because of it.
J: basically


S: I’ll take a look when I’ve got a few
J: thanks. I’ll call again later

*puts the phone down and stares at the cursor blinking madly on the page*

Seriously, what an asshole. The whole fucking thing stinks to the lowest of the nine hells if you ask me. Ok fine, the kiddo may be one of the most spoiled little princesses out there but for crying out loud. What the hell kind of mother would allow some jackass, in love with him or not, to ship her daughter off to another province? Especially when she made such a huge fuss about having her move away with her in the first place! Now the kiddo doesn’t fit in her happy-picture and whammo. One selfish bitch that’s who. Either that or holy hell that man must be one controlling, manipulative jerkoff. Fucking deserve each other. (Oh, I’m sorry, but if you start dating someone and they already have kids, in my mind it’s a package deal. You take it all or you take a hike.) OMFG. Oh My Fucking God. Excuse me but I want to go smash some sense into someone’s head.

I mean, come on, there are people out here with their biological clocks ticking with no solution in sight and some stupid cow wants to get rid of her own child because said child isn’t doing what she wants her to because she spoiled her rotten. (And yes, I realise that it may be a little drama-queen scheme, but the idea still pisses me right the hell off.)

*phone rings*